Big Brother help

Big Brother - Files

Note that server specific files are denoted by [server] and that client specific files are denoted by [client].
KNOWN.BUGS List of known bugs
LICENSE Big Brother license document
README.CHANGES All changes should be in here
README.INSTALL Installation Instructions
bin Directory where executable prograns live
etc Administrative settings
ext Directory where addon programs are installed
install Files used during installation & sparse documentation The mother of all shell scripts. This file gets executed to start Big Brother. You'll need to set the BBHOME environment variable here. Arguments are start|stop|restart
src This is where the C program source lives
tmp Temp files live here. You can wipe this out periodically.
web Programs having to do with web page generation are here
www Big Brother output goes here. This directory needs to be accessible from your Web server, since all the BB output lives here. [server]

The Glorious bin directory

bbThe bb client which sends information to a BB server. The format of the bb command is:
    bb "status machinename.status color data"
bbdbbd is the server which processes all incoming bb messages. [server]
bbnetThe bbnet command is used to test TCP ports. It is generally used by, but can also be run by hand. Its format is: [server]
    bbnet machine:port argument-to-send
touchtimetouchtime creates timestamped files for bb to use.
bb-display.shThis program is run every BBSLEEP seconds from, normally every 5 minutes, to generate the BB web page output. [server]
bb-local.shThis script is run from and does all local tests including disk, cpu, messages, and processes up and running. [client]
bb-cpu.shThis script is run from and runs the CPU test. [client]
bb-disk.shThis script is run from and runs the DISK test. [client]
bb-msgs.shThis script is run from and runs the messages file check. [client]
bb-procs.shThis script is run from and runs the process verification test. [client]
bb-network.shThis script is also run from, but only on the machine listed as BBNET in the etc/bb-hosts file. For each system, it tests any protocols listed in the etc/bb-hosts file.[server]
bb-ping.shThis script is called by to test connectivity. [server]
bbrunThis script is only used to run programs from It loops forever, running the programs given to it as arguments every BBSLEEP seconds.
bb-mailack.shThis script can acknowledge an event by e-mail. [server]
sendmsgThis program actually sends the page out via whatever mechanism is supposed to be used, i.e numeric, email, etc. [server]

The deeply confusing etc directory

bb-dftab.DISTThis file is used to set disk space warning and paging values on a machine by machine basis. It is only necessary if you need to change the default warning and paging values of 90% and 95%. It must be renamed to bb-dftab, and consists of a sequence of lines of the format:
i.e. the line
would tell Big Brother to send a warning (yellow) when /usr was 92% full, and an alert (red) when the /usr reached 97% full. Similarly, you can use this file to test paging by assigning very low values to filesystems, i.e.:
is almost certain to generate a red dot on screen, and a page. It is only valid if the host is [client]
bb-hostsThe bb-hosts file is the center of each BB instance. Click here for more info
bb-proctab.DISTThis file is used to set processes to check for on a system by system basis, instead of editing PROCS and PAGEPROCS on every system. The format is:
    [host]:proc list for yellow : proc list for red
This file must be renamed to bb-proctab to take effect. [client]
bb-cputab.DISTThis file is used to set CPU threshold values on a system by system basis, instead of editing CPUWARN and CPUPANIC on every system. The format is:
    [host]: misc settings : cpu threshold for yellow : cpu threshold for yellow for red
This file must be renamed to bb-cputab to take effect. [client]
bb-msgstab.DISTThis file is used to define keyword(s) to look for when checking the messages (or log) files. This is done on a system by system basis, instead of editing PAGEMSG, MSGS and IGNMSGS on every system. The format is:
    [host]: misc settings : log filename(s) : yellow keyword(s) : red keyword(s) : ignore strings
This file must be renamed to bb-msgstab to take effect. [client]
bb-bbexttab.DISTThis file is used to define the various external scripts to execute on a local system. This is done on a system by system basis, instead of editing BBEXT on every system. The format is:
    [host]: misc settings : external script(s)
This file must be renamed to bb-bbexttab to take effect.
bbchkcfg.shProgram to check whether variables are set correctly for you BB installation.
bbchkhosts.shProgram to check whether your bb-hosts file is correctly formatted.
These files contain most of the important setting used by BB
This file contains things less often changed, however, some of the display variables live here, including MKBBFONTROW and friends. This script sets up the internal environment variables BB needs to run. Be very careful if you decide to mess around in here.
bbsys.localThis file contains local system overrides for some command line locations, should they differ from the default.
bbsys.shSets variables containing the full pathname of most of the commands BB needs to use.
bbwarnrules.cfgRules and recipients for BB paging. [server]
bbwarnsetup.cfgConfiguration for the notification feature. [server]
numeric-k6.scrScript to use for kermit version 6 numeric paging. [server]
numeric.scrScript to use for kermit paging. Generally pre-version 6. [server]
security.DISTThis file is used to control who can send messages to your bbd process. This file must renamed to security and its format is one IP address per line, i.e.
The first entry allows the IP address to connect, and the second, any machine from the 234.234.234.* subnet. [server]
sms.scrSMS script for use with kermit. Used in Europe. Read install/README.SMS for more information. [server]

The truly useful ext directory

ext-protoSample external script demonstrating how BB can be used to send any sort of data to a BB display.

The boring install directory

bbclientUse this script to create installable tarballs for systems with the SAME OS, to be installed in the SAME DIRECTORY. Format: [client]
    bbclient client-name-as-listed-in-bb-hosts
bbconfigRun this to configure your instance of BB for your operating system. Format:
    bbconfig OS-TYPE
where OS-TYPE is one of: bsdi sco3 sco freebsd solaris hpux9 hpux linux sunos netbsd osf osf1 ultrix irix unixware redhat redhatES aix dynix debian dgux. Note that this will overwrite previous values.
bbsys.*File containing the location for all commands required by BB for a given operating system. This file is copied to bbsys.local as part of the installation process.

The worderful src directory

MakefileMakefile controls the compilation of BB
READMEThe README file contains details that could be helpful if you're having trouble compiling BB, or if you're moving BB to a new platform.
bb.cSource code to the bb client program
bb.hInclude file with standard definitions
bbd.cSource code to the bbd daemon program [server]
bbnet.cSource code to the bbnet port testing program [server]
touchtime.cSource code to the touchtime program used to create and control timestamps on files.
bbpage.cHandles the notification part [server]
bbrun.cLaunches scripts and programs
bbstat.cGathers statistics for reporting [server]
dumphostsvc.cGenerate HTML code to display event status [server]

The essential web directory [server]

bb-ack.shProgram used to send acknowledgements via the webpage interface. BBHOME must be set, and this program must be installed in your cgi-bin directory for online acks to work.
bb-hist.shProgram to generate history graph. BBHOME must be set, and this program must be installed in your cgi-bin directory in order to work.
bb-histlog.shThis program is called when you click on an individual status log from the history page. BBHOME must be set, etc, etc.
bb-hostsvc.shThis program is called when you have defined DYNAMIC output for HTML status logs..
bb-rep.shThis program is executed when you want to view availability statistics for all status.
bb-report.shThis program is executed by to view availability statistics for all status.
bb-replog.shThis program is executed when you want to view availability statistics for a single status. BBHOME must be set, yadda, yadda, yadda.
bb_headerHeader prepended to the bb.html web page
bb_footerFooter appended to the bb.html web page
bb2_headerHeader prepended to the bb2.html web page
bb2_footerFooter appended to the bb2.html web page
hist_headerHeader prepended to history pages
hist_footerFooter appened to history pages
histlog_headerHeader appened to historical ststus pages
histlog_footerFooter appended to historical status pages
hostsvc_headerHeader prepended to HTML status reports
hostsvc_footerFooter appended to HTML status reports
bbrep_headerHeader prepended to availability reports
bbrep_footerFooter appended to availability reports
replog_headerHeader prepended to individual availability reports
replog_footerFooter appended to individual availability reports
mkbb.bkgProgram to determine the background color for a BB page or subpage
mkbb.colsProgram to determine the column headings for a given table
mkbb.compProgram to determine the column headings in use for a given table. Used for group-compress headings.
mkbb.pageProgram to process bb subpages.
mkbb.shProgram that creates the main BB web page, bb.html and availability reports
mkbb2.shProgram that creates the summary BB web page, bb2.html
mkbbwml.shProgram that creates the summary BB web pages, in WML for WAP enabled devices

The prolific www directory [server]

acksDirectory where ack information is stored
gifsDirectory where BB images are stored
helpDirectory containing online help text.
htmlHTML status reports
index.htmlFile link pointing to bb.html
notesNotes directory used for system information.

The surprising bbvar directory [server]

acksDirectory where ack information is stored
dataData directory used for when using the data message type.
histDirectory containing history data
histlogsDirectory containing all status changes, by machine
logsRaw status reports, used for processing

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