Big Brother help

Installation and Configuration

	       The Big Brother Systems and Network Monitor
		  Installation and Configuration Manual
		    Version 1.9i - Fri, 30 Dec 2005 20:19:58 PST

1.0	Quick and Dirty Install for Big Brother

	1.1	Big Brother server
	1.1.1		Big Brother server installation
	1.1.2		Big Brother server upgrade
	1.2	Big Brother client
	1.2.1		Big Brother client installation
	1.2.2		Big Brother client upgrade
	1.3	Compiler directives

2.0	Configuring the BB hosts file

	2.1	The etc/bb-hosts file
	2.2	Basic format of etc/bb-hosts
	2.3	etc/bb-hosts special directives
	2.3.1		Display results in another HTML page
	2.3.2		Display "page" results into an HTML subpage
	2.3.3		Grouping hosts on the display (HTML tables)
	2.3.4		Sending a summary to another BBDISPLAY
	2.3.5		Testing Modem Banks
	2.3.6		Specifying DHCP hosts (no fixed IP address)
	2.4	Validating your etc/bb-hosts file
	2.5	Pointers for writing entries in bb-hosts

3.0	Customizing your BB installation

	3.1	The script
	3.2	Configuring the etc/bbdef*.sh files
	3.2.1		Configuring the etc/ file
	3.2.2		Configuring the etc/ file
	3.2.3		Configuring the etc/ file
	3.3	Localizing programs paths
	3.4	Creating BB clients
	3.5	Configuring the Web Stuff
	3.6	History
	3.7	Adding your own tests
	3.8	Starting BB at system boot
	3.9	Summary of BB protocol
4.0	Configuring the Notification feature

	4.1	A Little History
	4.2	Setting up notification
	4.3	Creating notification rules
	4.4	Acknowledging notification messages
	4.5	Manual notification (Web based)
	4.6	SMS notification
	4.7	Using kermit
	4.8	Adding a custom notification
	4.9	Notification/acknowledgement logs
	4.10	Disabling notifications temporarely
	4.11	Acknowledging a notification by e-mail
	4.12	Displaying acknowledgements

5.0 	Customizing your Big Brother display

	5.1	HTMLized status logs
	5.2	headers / footers (for reports too)
	5.3	Creating skins
	5.4	Inserting notes about your hosts
	5.5	Extending the contents of the main HTML pages
	5.6	Extending the contents of the history HTML pages
	5.7	Working with historical logs
	5.8	Hiding the bb.html/bb2.html page header
	5.9	Pre-defined anchors in bb.html
	5.10	Displaying multiple pages links  on the same line

6.0 	Miscellaneous Big Brother configuration options & tools

	6.1	Specifying filesystem specific values in the disk test
	6.2	Enabling security
	6.3	Using bbnet to test TCP services
	6.4	Sending custom one line status with bb
	6.5	Changing the 'purple' interval
	6.6	Specifying processes to look for
	6.7	Sending arbritary data to a BBDISPLAY(s)
	6.8	Disabling the messages file(s) zero-length test
	6.9	Setting a Time To Live to a status message
	6.10	Disabling the connectivity test
	6.11	Reducing connectivity errors
	6.12	Speeding up the network tests
	6.13	Enabling WML ouput (WAP browsing)
	6.14	Having BB notify you to reboot a server after is has been up XXX days
	6.15	Using an alias name for the current host in etc/bb-hosts
	6.16	Specifying CPU threshold values
	6.17	Configuring messages file testing
	6.18	Using the combo message
	6.19	Tools to manage Big Brother data
	6.20	Sending a BB message in cron
	6.21	Defining characters that BB accepts in a status message
	6.22    Integrating a LARRD graph with a status log

7.0 	Other documentation sources

This Installation and Configuration Guide is
© Copyright Quest Software, Inc.  1997-2003  All rights reserved.


Section 1: Quick and Dirty Install for Big Brother

WARNING: For security reasons, it is best to install and run
	 BB as its own user and not as root.  (but use the
	 root account during the install process, at the end
	 you'll change ownership to the chosen BB user ID)

1.1	Big Brother Server

1.1.1	Big Brother Server installation

For Big Brother Client installation please refer to its section
further down below.

You've extracted the BB archive and this is the directory
structure that was created:

bb1.9i-btf/                referred as $BBHOME

1.      cd bb1.9i-btf
	This directory is often refered as BBHOME or $BBHOME
        cd ./install
        where OS-NAME is  bsdi sco3 sco freebsd solaris hpux9 hpux
                                linux sunos netbsd osf ultrix irix
                                unixware redhat redhatES aix dynix debian dgux
				caldera mandrake
        Note that  is optional, BB will try to figure it out.

        If you are running Linux you may have to provide the proper 
                distribution name:

		./bbconfig redhat
		./bbconfig redhatES
		./bbconfig debian
		./bbconfig caldera
		./bbconfig mandrake
		./bbconfig linux

	./bbconfig will ask you questions about your setup
	be ready with:
		If the old-style structure be kept 
		If you intend to use FQDN(Fully qualified domain names)
		Which host(s) is(are) the BBDISPLAY(s)
		Which host(s) is(are) the BBPAGER(s)
		If the current host is a BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER
		Default e-mail recipient for notification
		URL you intend to view BB with
		URL of the BB CGI scripts
		The user id of your web server 

2.	cd ../src
	type "make"
	then type "make install"

	If you have trouble compiling, refer to the README file
	located at src/README

	for those who are upgrading then go to "Upgrading a BB server" section

3.	cd ../etc

	edit bb-hosts, put your hosts names in there.  Refer to install/README.
	This is the core of Big Brother.  You must read the docs here.
	edit bbdef*.sh files, and set alarm levels and things.  If you want to
	use fully qualified domain name hosts then make sure you set FQDN=TRUE
	in etc/  If this is the first host you install and intend
	to use it as the display/notification server as well as the server
	that test the network services then your bb-hosts should contain

4.	./
	Checks the bbdef*.sh/bbinc*.sh/ source scripts for invalid entries
	Checks the bb-hosts file for errors

5.	cd ../..
	ln -s  bb	where  is the new version directory (e.g. bb1.9i-btf)

	This is useful as you don't have to change the directory in your
	startup script. (see section 11)

        cd bb
        chown -R bbuser .       where bbuser is the user you defined 
                                in the install process. This makes sure
                                that the bbuser can write/read into
                                the BB directory sttructure as you will
                                probably install while in the root account

	cd ..
	chown -R bbuser bbvar

6.      ln -s /full_path_to_bb/www /WWW/bb (where /WWW is the Document Root dir).
        Make sure the permissions are correct.  Configure your web server
        for this directory if need be.
	Also make sure that your web server follows symbolic links
	Note: use the location of the bb link from step 5

7.	cd 		where  is the new version directory (e.g. bb1.9i-btf)
	cd 			where  is the directory link you created in
				section 5
	./ start
	examine the BBOUT file for any errors. By default the BBOUT log file
	is located in $BBHOME.  The location of BBOUT is defined by the value
	of the BBOUT variable in

	NB The HTML summary pages (bb.html/bb2.html) should be available
	2 minutes after the startup.  Don't panic the'll be there if
	you are patient. In your browser, you should be able to
	see the results at http://yourwebhost/bb/ or
	http://yourwebhost/bb/bb.html  (assuming you used /bb as BB URL root)

8.	Debug, and look at all the docs.

9.	Check the online documentation!  It lives under:

10.	This will have enabled you to have a display/pager server set up.
	At this point no clients are running.  When you have all of
	your hosts defined in etc/bb-hosts then
	use install/bbclient to create a tarball for BB clients of the same
	OS/HW type.  If you have different OS/HW platforms then
	reinstall BB on each one (then use the bbclient to create a tarball
	for each identical OS/HW client) and don't forget to copy your master
	bb-hosts file to it. Run through the install procedure to make
	sure that the clients are also installed properly(

11.	If you wish to start BB automatically at startup, we suggest the
	following command in your startup script:

	su -  -c "cd ;./ start"

	 is the user you chose at install
	 is the target directory in which BB was extracted
		 or where you've created the bb directory link
		 as per section 5. e.g. bb1.9i-btf

For the Web Stuff

All Web-based things live in the $BBHOME/www directory.  In order for BB
to work correctly, this directory must be linked into your Web
site somewhere.  I suggest something like the following (this should have
been done in step 6):

ln -s /home/sean/bb/www /WWW/bb (where /WWW is the Document Root dir).

You should then be able to access BB with the URL http://yourwebhost/bb/bb.html

For the Pager Stuff

You need kermit and a modem(s).  It should be working...

1.	Edit etc/ and define the variables
	KERMIT (where kermit lives) and MAIL (with flag for
	subject header) if they are not defined in bbsys.local
	generated during the configuration.  Note that the qpage
	and sendpage packages should also be considered for paging.

	If you're using SMS paging (mainly Europe) read Jacob's
	readme: install/README.SMS

2.	For the notification configuration (who/when/how), please
	customize the etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg file  and the etc/bbwarnrules.cfg
	file.  Also consult the online help.

3.	For Web-based paging/acknowlegement,  web/ should have
	been installed by ./install/bbconfig in your web server's
	/cgi-bin directory


1.1.2	Big Brother Server Upgrade

If you are upgrading from a previous version then do these steps after
the preliminary install of BB:

If your previous version of BB was pre-1.5 then follow these next steps
otherwise jump to "Upgrading a BB server (Part 2)"

modified in $BBHOME/etc/

cd BBTOP/bbvar  (BBTOP is where you unpacked BB)
rm -f logs acks hist histlogs notes data disabled
mv OLDBBHOME/www/logs .
mv OLDBBHOME/www/acks .
mv OLDBBHOME/www/hist . 
mv OLDBBHOME/www/histlogs .
mv OLDBBHOME/www/data .
mv OLDBBHOME/disabled . 

Upgrading a BB server (Part 2)

cd 	where  is the directory of the new install
cd www
rm -r notes
# Replace OLDBBHOME by the full path of BBHOME defined in your previous install
mv OLDBBHOME/www/notes .
cd ..
cd ext				If you have external scripts
cp OLDBBHOME/ext/* . 		Only copy the ones you created !!!
				Don't overwrite the scripts distributed
cp OLDBBHOME/ext/hist/* hist/
cp OLDBBHOME/ext/rep/* rep/
cp OLDBBHOME/ext/mkbb/* mkbb/	Only copy the ones you created !!!
				Don't overwrite the scripts distributed
cp OLDBBHOME/ext/pg/* pg/	Only copy the ones you created !!!
				Don't overwrite the scripts distributed
				(This directory is new in BB 1.6)
copy anything else in there (lardd,the state,...) to here

cd ..
cd etc
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-hosts .		Depending of your current setup
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bbwarnrules.cfg .	copy and edit appropriate config files
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg .	Run diff between old file and new
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/security .		file as format may have been changed

vi			Set environment variables for your setup

cd ../..
# if you already have a link called bb used to access your BB install
rm bb
ln -s  bb		Setup bb as a link to the new bbdir
				directory such that it's easier
				to refer rc scripts to bb/ without
				having to change them every time
				you upgrade.

If you have special changes that you have incorporated into BB
then it is the time to carry them over now.

1.2.1	Big Brother Client installation

You've extracted the BB archive and this is the directory
structure that was created:

bbc1.9i-btf/               referred as $BBHOME

1.      cd bbc1.9i-btf
	This directory is often refered as BBHOME or $BBHOME
        cd ./install
        where OS-NAME is  bsdi sco3 sco freebsd solaris hpux9 hpux
                                linux sunos netbsd osf ultrix irix
                                unixware redhat redhatES aix dynix debian dgux
				caldera mandrake
        Note that  is optional, BB will try to figure it out.

        If you are running Linux you may have to provide the proper 
                distribution name:

		./bbconfig redhat
		./bbconfig redhatES
		./bbconfig debian
		./bbconfig caldera
		./bbconfig mandrake
		./bbconfig linux

	./bbconfig will ask you questions about your setup
	be ready with:
		If you intend to use FQDN(Fully qualified domain names)

2.	cd ../src
	type "make"
	then type "make install"

	If you have trouble compiling, refer to the README file
	located at src/README

	for those who are upgrading then go to "Upgrading a BB client" section

3.	cd ../etc

	but first add an entry for this client in the etc/bb-hosts
	file on your BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER/BBNET host.  Then copy that
	bb-hosts file into this directory:	#

	Following that, edit bbdef*.sh, set alarm levels and things.
	If you want to use fully qualified domain name hosts then make
	sure is set FQDN=TRUE in etc/

4.	./
	Checks the bbdef*.sh/bbinc*.sh/ source scripts for invalid entries
	Checks the bb-hosts file for errors

5.	cd ../..
	ln -s  bb	where  is the new version directory (e.g. bbc1.9i-btf)

	This is useful as you don't have to change the directory if you use
	a startup script. (see section 11)

        cd bb
        chown -R  .     where bbuser is the user you defined 
                                in the install process. This makes sure
                                that the bbuser can write/read into
                                the BB directory sttructure as you will
                                probably install while in the root account

6.	./ start
	examine the BBOUT file for any errors. By default the BBOUT log file
	is located in $BBHOME.  The location of BBOUT is defined by the value
	of the BBOUT variable in

7.	If there's any errors in BBOUT, debug, and look at all the docs.

8.	Check the online documentation!  It lives under:

9.	If you wish to start BB automatically at startup, we suggest the
	following command in your startup script:

	su -  -c "cd ;./ start"

	 is the user you chose at install
	 is the target directory in which BB was extracted
		 or where you've created the bb directory link
		 as per section 5. e.g. bbc1.9i-btf

1.2.2	Big Brother Client update

An upgrade is almost identical to an installation except
after you have executed install/bbconfig:

cd etc/
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-hosts .		Depending of your current setup
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-dftab .		file as format may have been changed
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-proctab .
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-cputab .
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-msgstab .
cp OLDBBHOME/etc/bb-bbexttab .
vi			Set environment variables for your setup
vi			Check the differences with the previous installation

cd ../ext			If you have external scripts
cp OLDBBHOME/ext/* . 		Only copy the ones you created !!!
				Don't overwrite the scripts distributed
copy anything else in there (lardd,the state,...) to here

cd ..
# if you already have a link called bb used to access your BB install
rm bb
ln -s  bb		Setup bb as a link to the new bbdir
				directory such that it's easier
				to refer rc scripts to bb/ without
				having to change them every time
				you upgrade.

1.3	Compiler directives

	You change the behavior of BB  by compiling it
	with different compiler options.  All the options are
	defined in the CFLAGS variable on the Makefile

		If your OS doesn't support the bzero() function
		If zombie processes are generated while running BB
		This will get rid of them
		To get duration statistics during TCP service checks
		If your OS supports regexec(),regcomp()
		If your OS support regex(),regcmp()
		If your OS supports re_exec(),re_comp()
		If your OS has time.h instead of sys/time.h
		If your OS supports sigsetjmp() and
		does not handle signals properly with setjmp()


Section 2: Configuring the Big Brother hosts file

2.1	The etc/bb-hosts file

	The etc/bb-hosts file controls where Big Brother looks for things
	and the actions that are taken.  The format is identical to the 
	standard /etc/hosts file, except with additional directives
	for Big Brother.

	The etc/bb-hosts file should be kept identical on all BB client
	hosts as to reduce the risk of a misconfigured bb-hosts file.
	Even though clients only require entry lines for BBDISPLAY,
	BBPAGER and the local client, it is recommended that you distribute
	a master bb-hosts file to all clients.  The only time you should
	not have an identical bb-hosts file is if you decide to have more
	than one BBNET host, in this case each BBNET host should only
	have tested entries in its bb-hosts file and those entries
	should not appear in any other BBNET host.

2.2	Basic format of etc/bb-hosts

	Lines are of the format:



		  host			if FQDN=""

		FQDN (display with Fully Qualified Domain Name) is a
		variable that you set in the etc/ file.

	Directives the Big Brother knows about are:

		BBDISPLAY	This host displays the HTML results

			This host receives incoming status reports, generates the
			HTMLized status reports, the bb.html and bb2.html web pages.
			There may be more than one BBDISPLAY if you want redundancy.
			BBDISPLAY host execute the bbd daemon to collect reports, and run
			the web/ & web/ scripts to generate the bb.html
			and bb2.html pages.  You'll need a Web server on this host
			to display the results.

		BBPAGER		This host acts as the notification server

			This host receives requests to notify admins and processes
			those requests.  There may be more than one BBPAGER as well,
			for redundancy.  Of course, you'll be notified more than once
			per problem.  BBPAGER hosts likeweise run the bbd daemon so they
			can receive notification requests.

			To requests more than one BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER host, put the
			BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER directive on the config line for each host
			that acts as BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER.

		BBNET		Indicates that this host checks
					the ip network services 

			Many hosts can act as a BBNET.  If you do have more than
			one BBNET, make sure that the bb-hosts file only
			contains the hosts that you will test against.  You must
			be very careful because if a host is tested by many
			BBNETs then the status display for the services on
			that host will only show that last test status.
			You may get errors for that host even though it shows
			green, it's just that another BBNET send a status message
			afterwards and that message returned OK. On the other
			hand you may want to have tests from different location :)

		BBRELAY:<hostname or IP address> 	The host defined is a relay host

			This host will be relayed all incoming messages from
			any BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER hosts that has this directive defined
			on the same line as the BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER.
			So if a BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER entry in the bb-hosts file
			also contains a BBRELAY:<hostname|IP addr> directive
			then that host will be relayed all incoming messages
			from the current BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER. This is useful
			if you are moving a BBDISPLAY or a BBPAGER and you
			don't want to change all the BB clients bb-hosts files

			Host will be sent all incoming messages that receives.

		http://www_path	The host is tested for http connections
					using the www_path
		https://www_path The host is tested for https connections
					using the www_path
			(requires lynx: or curl: )

			Note that you can specify multiple URLs by joining the
			URLs with '|':
			or by specifying them individually:
				http://www_path   http://www_path1

		ftp		Test for ftp service
		smtp		Test for smtp server
		pop3		Test host for pop3 server
		telnet		Check telnet service
		ssh		Test ssh server
		nntp		Test nntp news server
			Check /etc/services for proper service name
			especially pop3 (sometimes referred as pop-3).
			These directives names MUST appear in /etc/services
			of the BBNET host that is doing the testing.
			Any text based service can be checked by putting
			the /etc/services name as the directive and adding
			in the list of services in the BBNETSVCS variable
			of etc/ (See below for TCP ports that are
			note in /etc/services) By default, the test sends
			the "QUIT" string the to the tested service.

			The '!' can be prefixed to a service such it will
			be checked that the service is NOT running (!ftp).

			The '?' can also prefix a service.  This prefix
			indicates that the service is considered a
			dialup service: it will generate a clear button
			if the service is down. NOTE: the ! and the ?
			prefixes can only be used with the basic TCP services
			that are handled by the script.
			http* and dns/dig tests cannot use these prefixes.

			The :s , :q and :Q tags can be added to the directive
			by appending them to the directive: ftp:s or ftp:s:q
			This will enable special options to the bbnet
			program that does the TCP tests.
			:s - Just connect to the port, do not engage in
				a converstation with the service tested (silent)
			:q - Do not return timing statistics if you've
				enabled them (quiet)
			:Q - Do not return error messages usually returned
				by the bbnet program.

			You can also add a custom TCP port to test. You
			have to define the network service name in the
			BBNETSVCS variable of etc/
			In the bb-hosts you declare that new TCP test by
			putting in entry in this format: svcname:portnumber
			i.e.  mytest:1234 - Test port 1234 and return
			it with the mytest status name

		dns		Checks for name resolution server
		dig		Same check as dns but using the dig
				command if the command is available.

		noping		Don't do ping test for this host
					and display a clear dot.
		noconn		Don't do ping test for this host and
					don't generate any colored dot
		noping		Don't display this host on the page
		noping[:test1:test2:...] Don't display the defined tests
					 for this host
		dialup		If host is down then display a clear dot
					otherwise display a green status

		testip		Use the IP address defined to execute network
				test.  Don't use the hostname given.

		bbd	Test a remote BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER

		You can add your own directives that you access through an
			external test.  Known directives from user contributed
			tests: oracle/fping/trap/sybase/...  These contributions
			can be found on the user contributions archive.

	This is a sample bb-hosts file:
	#	bobo	 	# BBDISPLAY BBPAGER ftp smtp pop3	admin		# http://admin/	mynet		# BBNET !nntp

	bobo is the display and notification server.
	mynet is the host that runs ip network services checks
		it will check the ftp/smtp/pop3 services on bobo,
		then the http service on admin and finally it makes sure
		that nntp is NOT running on mynet

	You can also group hosts within a seperate HTML table.  There
	are three group tags defined: group, group-compress and group-only.
	Results can also be saved to a specific page using the 'page' directive.

	Changes to the etc/bb-hosts file are automatic.  You do not
		have to restart BB to initialize the changes except if you
		make changes to BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER/BBNET locations.

2.3	etc/bb-hosts special directives

	2.3.1	Display results in another HTML page
		page nyrouters New York Routers
		BB always creates two HTML pages: bb.html/bb2.html.
	When the "page" directive is encountered, BB will then create a new
	HTML page until another "page" directive is encountered and will save
	the output from that point on to that new HTML page.  It will keep a pointer
	of the new HTML page in bb.html.  The first argument is the directive,
	the second one is the name of the page (i.e. nyrouters.html
	as the .html tage is automatically added) and the remaining
	arguments is the caption that will appear in bb.html when it
	creates the link to that page.  Always place your page directives
	after all hosts that you want to appear in the bb.html page.
	When you use a page directive then all subsequent output will
	be in an HTML page (the current one or a subsequent page directive)
	Each HTML page will be created in it's own directory to enable
	password protection (using your web server's features) based
	on the directory.

	N.B. summaries and dialup directives will always appear on
		bb.html/b2.html and not in any HTML subpages

	2.3.2	Display "page" results into an HTML subpage
		page nyrouters New York Routers
		subpage manhattan Manhattan Routers
		subpage queens Queens Routers

		BB allows up to 3 levels of HTML display pages.
	The top pages bb.html and bb2.html.  Another level using the
	"page" directive and finally the last level defined by
	the "subpage" directive.  This will create a link in the
	current HTML page (created with "page") to a subpage.
	The subpage is created in it's own directory (as in "page").
	It allows you to create a directory structure where there
	can be up to 3 different views.  A topmost with bb.html/bb2.html.
	The next level with the "page" directive and the lowest level
	created with the "subpage" directory.  This should be ample to
	secure the different views with user/password protection.

	2.3.3	Grouping hosts on the display (HTML tables)

		The Web display may be broken into tables to create
	a more aesthetic and sensible display.  It's also much faster
	to load small tables, than one giant table.  So consider 
	grouping your etc/bb-host entries logically and separating
	them using the "group" , "group-compress" or "group-only" directives.

		group Intranet Servers

		The group directive defines a block of hosts to be grouped
	in the same HTML table.  All hosts lines following the group
	directive, until a new group/group-compress is defined, belong 
	to that group.

		group-compress California Servers

		The group-compress is identical to the "group" directive
	except it will only display services (columns) containing data
	for that group.

		group-only  conn|cpu|disk   Restricted Services

		The group-only will create a table with only the colums
	defined in the directive.  The columns are '|' delimited.

	Note that the text that follows the prevous directives is the
	title given to the HTML table.  Note that you can embed HTML
	code in the title: Italic/H3/etc..., but use with caution:

	group <I>Intranet Servers</I>
	group-compress <I><H3>California Servers</H3></I>
	group-only  conn|cpu|disk   <B>Restricted Services</B>

	2.3.4	Sending a summary to another BBDISPLAY
        	summary quebec.bb2
		This indicates to the BBDISPLAY machine that
	summary information of the bb.html, bb2.html, an HTML page
	or an HTML subpage be forwarded to the IP address noted
	by the 3rd item on summary line line.  The summary can be
	sent to more than one BBDISPLAY.
	N.B. summary directive from other BBDISPLAYs (or the current
		one) will always appear at the bottom of the
		 bb.html/b2.html and not in any HTML pages/subpages.

	2.3.5	Testing Modem Banks
		dialup modem-bank 4

		The dialup directive (not to be confused with the other
	dialup tag which displays a clear button if the host is down)
	is used to specify connectivity for a bank of modems.  The
	2nd parameter is the name to be displayed on the display page.
	The 3rd argument is the starting IP address of the modem bank.
	The last argument is the number of modems on that bank.
	A green dot will be displayed for IP addresses that are currently
	used and a clear dot will be displayed if the IP address
	is not used.  Note that this test can take a long time if
	your modem banks have many unused modems as the test will
	time out to determine the connection status.
	N.B. dialup directive output will always appear at the
		bottom of bb.html/b2.html and not in any HTML

	2.3.6	Specifying DHCP hosts (no fixed IP address)	dhcphost.domain	# 

		The indicates that this host is a DHCP
	host and that the BBNET host will not try to run the
	connection test on that host using the IP address but only
	the hostname.

2.4	Validating your etc/bb-hosts file

	You can validate the etc/bb-hosts file by executing the


	command.  Note that it is a simple check and sometimes
	may complain about invalid qualifiers especially if they
	are associated with user contributed scripts.  Also in some
	cases the script will complain but also mention that the
	error might not apply.  Read the output carefully.

2.5	Pointers for writing entries in bb-hosts

	If you are going to use the same hostname in multiple
	entries then use the "noconn" directive for all entries
	for that hostname except the first entry. # ftp smtp # ftp smtp
	group-only ftp All ftp servers # noconn # noconn

	The first entry indicates all the tests to run while
	the second entry is used only as a display definition.


Section 3:  Customizing your BB installation

3.1	The script

	The script is the master BB script.  It sets up the
	BB environment with the values from the configuration files.

	You MUST set the BBHOME variable to the directory path where
	you have installed BB.  Without it, BB will not run properly.

	cd $BBHOME  (to your BB install directory)

	To start BB:

	./   or    ./ start

	To stop BB:

	./ stop

	To restart BB:

	./ restart

	When BB starts/restarts it checks that there is no processes
	already running.  If this is the case, BB will complain but
	will continue to start as it cannot determine if the process
	was really started by BB.  BB checks for any processes that
	contain the BBHOME in its definition.

	If you ever have to add a script that runs as a deamon use
		the following template to add it in

	echo "Starting snmptrapd"
	echo "Starting snmptrapd" >> $BBOUT
	export MIBFILE
	$BBHOME/cmu/bin/snmptrapd -B | $BBHOME/bin/bb $BBDISP - &
	set `$PS | $GREP snmptrapd | $GREP -v "$GREP"` > /dev/null
	echo $1 >> $BBPID
	This is from an SNMP trapd extension available at the FTP
	archive site (  You'll notice
	that the PID is added to $BBPID,  This way, you'll be
	able to stop the extension at the same time as BB when
	executing " stop".

3.2	Configuring the etc/bbdef*.sh files

	etc/bbdef*.sh files is where you configure how Big Brother reacts
	to a variety of situations that may arise.  You can establish
	default levels for warnings(yellow), panics(red) values.

	Please note that any modifications to these files do not come
	into effect until the next restart of BB.  It is best to
	stop/start BB immediately after these files has been modified.

3.2.1	Configuring the etc/ file contains settings that affect both a client
	installation of BB as well as a server installation of BB.

	BBUSER is the user name that BB should run as.  If you
	try to start BB using a different used than the one
	specified in BBUSER, BB won't start.

	STOPROOT prevents you from starting BB as root.  It is
	recommended to you set STOPROOT=TRUE.

	Use FQDN (fully qualified domain naming)
	FQDN="" - Host names rendered on the BB status pages will only
			include the host name, not including the domain
	FQDN="TRUE" - Host names rendered on the BB status pages will
                        include the host name and the domain name.

	BBTMP indicates the location of the BB temporary directory. You
		may want to locate it outside of the BB structure.

	BBOUT is the location of the BB error log file.

	BBPIC is the location of the file that contains the process ids
		of BB processes.

	The PAGELEVELS variable indicates to the 'bb' process at which 
		level(s) it should send a notification message.  The 'bb'
		program is used to send status messages and if the status
		level of the message is found in the PAGELEVELS variable
		then a notification message is also sent to the BBPAGER
		host.  This is the default value.  It can be overridden
		by the 'pagelevels:' token in the etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg
		file.  The PAGELEVELSMAIL contains the color level(s) on
		which only e-mail is to be sent.  The color level must also
		be found in PAGELEVELS.

	BBEXT contains the list of external scripts found in BBHOME/ext
		that are to be executed. *** NOTE *** etc/bb-bbexttab
		should be configured instead of using the BBEXT variable.
		The BBEXT variable has been kept for backward
		compatibility.  BBDEFSLEEP is the lifecycle
		in seconds of an external script while STARTSLEEP is
		then initial interval between each external script
		at startup.

	MAXLINE is the maximum message size.  Also defined in src/bb.h.

	DOCOMBO, MAXCOMBOMSGS and MAXCOMBOTTL are variables that define
		how multiple status logs can be sent in a single message.

3.2.2   Configuring the etc/ file

	Settings for a server installation are done in this file.

	Which program to use to check the HTTP connectivity:
	LYNX="/usr/local/bin/lynx -dump -head" - Use lynx if you need to
		check password protected pages.  Please use the proper
		directory path as per your host installation. cUrl
		(another program) can also be used to check for
		protected pages.
	NONETPAGE defines which IP services not to notify on if an error
		is encountered.  Include the services as they are named
		in the etc/bb-hosts file.  This is only valid on a host
		defined as a BBNET host.

	BBREPWARN specifies the value at which the reporting feature
		returns red or yellow.  Reporting will return green
		if 100% availability is determined, will be yellow
		until it reaches the value of BBREPWARN and then
		will return red below that value

		This variable defines the path to the root page of BB.
		Make sures it never ends with "/".  All locations
		in BB are referenced from that location.

	BBWEBHOST is the full path to your BBDISPLAY server except
		the directory location:

		This variable defines the path to the HTMLized status logs.
		This path is concatenated with the name of the HTMLized
		status file and is appended to the e-mail notification
		message for a quickpath to the error information.

	CGIBINURL is the directory location of the CGI scripts.

	BBREPURL is the location of the generated reports.

	The WEBHISTORY defines if you want to use the web-based history
		display script.  This script gives you a 24hr HTML chart
		and the last 50 status changes.  

	BBHIST_IGNOREBLUE tells the reporting to ignore maintenance
		time in statistics compiling if it's set to TRUE.

	The SAVESTATUSLOG variable defines if the historical log of
		the host.service is kept or not.  The logs are saved
		in the $BBHISTLOGS directory.

	The BBLOGSTATUS variable determines if each log received is
		rendered into a static HTML page, dynamically by CGI or
		not at all (it appears as plain text).  If it is
		set to DYNAMIC then a CGI will create the HTMLized status
		log only when requested.  That's when you click on a
		colored dot on the BB display pages.  The dynamic CGI
		is called If is set to DYNAMIC then
		a static HTML status log will be generated the www/html
		directory.  If it is set to TEXT then no HTMLized status
		logs are available.  The status will appear as plain text.

	You can define how many pings are executed before a connectivity
		test fails using the PINGTESTS variable.  You can also
		set the sleep factor between tests using PINGSLEEPFCT. Each
		sleep within a single test is incremented by that factor.
		PINGWARN defines how many failed pings are required before
		the connectivity test yellow.  If all pings fail then
		it returns red.

	NOPINGCLEAR lets you decide if you want clear dots for host that
		have the noping directive.  If you set to TRUE then clear
		dots will be displayed for hosts with the noping as
		well as hosts with IP address (DHCP hosts or
		hosts accessed only with its full name).  You can use the
		noconn directive in conjunction with NOPINGCLEAR to select
		which hosts you don't want a clear dot.

	PURPLEDELAY sets the default expiry time stamp on an incoming status
		log.  It is expressed in minutes.

	The IPTEST_2_CLEAR_ON_FAILED_CONN variable, if set to TRUE,  defines
		that if a network test fails and that the connectivity (ping)
		test also failed then display the test results as clear.  You
		can turn off this setting individually by test by using the
		~ modifier.

		in etc/

		in etc/bb-hosts # ftp

		If the connectivity test to failed and
		the ftp test also failed (very likely) then display the
		test with a clear dot.  If you had set the directive to
		~ftp then it would have been displayed as red.

		Note that this will work only if the basic connectivity
		is not disabled (CONNTEST=TRUE - enabled).

	SUMMARY_SET_BKG value determines if the summary dots
		are to be taken in account when determining the background color.
		Set it to anything but TRUE if you don't want summaries to
		set background.

	BBHISTEXT contains scripts names located in BBHOME/ext/hist
		that are to be executed when is run.
		This is to add site specific display information.

	BBMKBBEXT and BBMKBB2EXT defines scripts to execute at the
		end of the and script respectively.
		Same basic idea as BBHISTEXT, you may extend
		their functionality that way.  The scripts should
		be located in the ext/mkbb directory.

	The CONNTEST variable determines if the default connectivity
		testing is executed.  Set to FALSE if you don't want
		the standard connectivity test.  This is usually
		done when the or (from
		external scripts are used.

	BBHOSTHISTLOG & BBALLHISTLOG are used when specifying if
		host based and system based historical information
		should be kept.  This may be disabled when you
		are not interested in historical data.

	The BBNETTHREADS variables defines how many conccurent tests should run to reduce
		the length of time of the network testing

	BBNETSVCS contains the valid TCP network tests that BB
		can perform.  If you want to test a non-supported
		port then add the port name here.  Read this
		section for more details.

	If you want WAP enabled display then set the WML_OUTPUT
		variable to TRUE.  Depending on your device, you
		can set the size of the bb.wml/bb2.wml pages
		using WMLMAXCHARS. BBWAP defines where generated
		WAP files are stored.

	You can change the timeout values used by bbnet. Change the
		appropriate values.

	The RUNOPTS variable defines runtime options for the bbd process.
		ENABLE_DISABLE - turn on enabling/disabling of notifications
		DATAMSG - accept "data" messages
		NOTESMSG - accept "notes" messages
		EMBEDHTML - If defined, Keep HTML code in status
		CONVHTMLTAGS - If defined, Change HTML <> tags to < and >
		LARRD - Inline code for LARRD when generating HTML status log

	CLEANCHARS contains the characters that should be removed from
		incoming status logs.

3.2.3   Configuring the etc/ file

	Settings for a client installation are done in this file.

	The DFWARN and DFPANIC variables contain the % levels at which
		the disk test will fail.  By default DFWARN is 90% and
		DFPANIC is 95%.  These values can be overriden by values
		in the etc/bb-dftab file described in section 5.2.

	CPUWARN and CPUPANIC are default levels based on the load
		average.  CPUWARN is set at 150 and CPUPANIC at 300.
		These values are the load average (from uptime)
		multiplied by 100 (the dot is stripped from the value
		returned by uptime).  You can also set these values
		in the etc/bb-cputab file.

	If you want the load average to be displayed in its original
		format (not stripped of its decimal point) then set

	You can define the processes for which you want to monitor if
		they are up and running.  You do this by setting the
		PROCS and PAGEPROC variables.  The processes included
		in PROCS will lead to a yellow condition if one or more the
		processes is down.  Processes in PAGEPROC will generate
		a red condition if a process is down.  But the preferred
		configuration method is the etc/bb-proctab file.

	MSGS and PAGEMSG are used to monitor error messages in the
		system logs.  MSGS contain keywords to look for in
		the system logs.  If a keyword is found then this
		will create a yellow condition and if the keyword
		is also in the PAGEMSG variable then it will be upgraded
		to a red condition. Note that the values of these
		variables can be overridden using the etc/bb-msgstab file

	You can also discard certain messages by defining portions of
		that message in the IGNMSGS variable.  You can define
		multiple messages by delimiting each message by a ';'.
		The value can also be set in etc/bb-msgstab.

	MSGEXPIRE defines the amount of time the yellow/red conditions
		will last.  Yellow conditions will last by the number
		of minutes defined by the first number will red conditions
		are defined by the 2nd number.  i.e.  30:60, yellow=30m
		and red=60m.

	The CHKMSGLEN determines if the message file zero-length test
		is run. Set to TRUE or FALSE

	Define how many MSGS and PAGEMSG entries that are returned
		in a messages file(s) check. YELLOWMSGSLINES determines
		the number of yellow entries while REDMSGSLINES indicates how
		many red entries are returned.

	The OLDSTYLEBBMSGS variable indicates if the message file(s) check
		should not expire message just like pre-1.6d versions. You
		had to expire messages by clearing them by hand in the
		message file(s) by modifying the token string so it wouldn't
		match anymore.

	BBTOOMANYDAYSUP is used to notify if a host has been running
		for more than so many days.  Some people use this
		to remind them to reboot some servers after a certain
		amount of time.

		the cpu column will bear the color defined in
		WARNCOLORONREBOOT and for how long after a server reboots.
		Note that only red/yellow are accepted and that the duration
		has to be less than 60 minutes.

	You can disable local test(s) by setting one or all of
		a test you can decide if you still want to send a message
		to the BBDISPLAY by setting the color in
		color of your choice or omit the color if you don't
		want any message sent to the BBDISPLAY.

3.2	Localizing programs paths

		Sometimes the OS specific programs paths found in the
	installation might be wrong for a particular host(s) OS.
	Change the paths in the etc/bbsys.local file.  The variables
	contained in this file all have default values from the
	bbsys.OS file.  The original bbsys.local is copied from the
	etc/bbsys.OS file during installation (bbconfig); so keep track 
        of your changes as they will automatically be overwritten if you 
        re-run bbconfig.

3.4	Creating BB clients

	Creating BB clients is very simple:
	cd install
	./bbclient <client-hostname>

	 <client-hostname> must be found in the etc/bb-hosts file.

		This will create a tarball for the client that has the same
	OS/HW platform type as the host on which the bblient command
	is executed. The tarball is found in the directory above

		 Don't forget to configure the etc/bb-proctab file
	the client after you've untarred the archive such that the
	correct processes are monitored.  

		If you have different OS/HW platforms then install BB,
	as a client,  on each OS/HW platform (then use the bbclient to
	create a tarball for each identical OS/HW client) and don't forget
	to copy your master bb-hosts file to it. Run through the install
	procedure to make sure that the clients are also installed
	properly (

3.5	Configuring the Web Stuff

		All Web-based things live in the $BBHOME/www directory.
	In order for the bb stuff to work correctly, this directory must
	be linked into your Web site somewhere.  I suggest something like
	the following:

	ln -s /home/sean/bb/www /WWW/bb (where /WWW is the Document Root dir
	of your web server).

	You should then be able to access BB with the URL
	where ... is your webserver address.

		You also have to configure the script which generates the
	web-based history page if you set the WEBHISTORY variable to TRUE in
	etc/  This page is accessible from the "History" button
	when you click on a colored dot in one of the display pages
	(bb.html/bb2.html).  You must copy the web/ script to your
	/cgi-bin directory and set the BBHOME. 
	Make sure the script has the proper permissions to execute: system and
	web server permissions.  If you want only a text based history display
	then set the WEBHISTORY variable to "FALSE" in etc/
	Set the BBHIST_IGNOREBLUE variable to TRUE in etc/ if you
	don't want the blue state to be used in the calculations of daily % use.

		By default the CGIBINURL (in etc/ points to /cgi-bin
	but if your web server cofiguration has a different CGI directory
	then change it here or your history feature won't work.
		If you intend to enable manual notification/acknowledgement
	("PAGE/ACK"button in bb.html/bb2.html) then copy the web/
	script to you /cgi-bin directory and set the BBHOME 
	variable in the script.  Make sure the script has the proper
	permissions to execute: system and web server permissions.
	Acknowledgments generate a log entry in $BBACKS/acklog file.

3.6	History

	Each time a status log is received it is checked against its
	previous status to see if it has changed.  If it has, then
	the duration of the previous status is recorded and a new line
	is appended to the history file with the timestamp of the
	new status.

	There's a history file for each host.service (status log) received.
	The history files are located in the $BBHIST directory.

	Here's a sample:

	Sun Jan 24 18:30:45 1999 green 917220645 232068
	Wed Jan 27 10:58:33 1999 red 917452713 1560
	Wed Jan 27 11:24:33 1999 green 917454273

	Notice that last line doesn't have a duration because it is
	the current status.  The duration will be appended only when
	the status changes.

	If you do not wish to have historical data then rename
	$BBHIST to something else or remove it.

3.7	Adding your own tests

	You can easily add your own tests.  Start with the template
	available at ext/ext-proto, add your code.  Look at, for an example on how to send data to BB.
	Specify the name of your script in the etc/bb-bbexttab
	file. This file defines all scripts to run for each hosts.
	Start with the etc/bb-bbexttab.DIST file, copy to
	etc/bb-bbexttab and configure. Typical entries in

	<host> : <options> : scripts... : : script1 script2;3600 script3;900 script4 : : script5 script6

	Note that <options> is not yet implemented.

	make sure each defined script exists in the ext directory
	of the client install.  See below for an explanation of
	the script2;3600 entry.

	Restart BB and your test should be running.  But
	before you use it within BB, I suggest you test it for errors
	by using the method:

	cd /home/bb (or wherever your BB is located)
	export BBHOME
	. ./etc/
	cd ext

	Look for errors, fix them, rerun your test until you're
	satisfied, then update  Note that all temporary
	files should be created in $BBTMP and make sure you remove them
	after use.   Also, remember that you don't have to deal with
	sending notification messages, the 'bb' process send a 'page'
	type message to the BBPAGER host when the status color is
	found in the PAGELEVELS variable defined in

	You can also set the frequency of the test by specifying
	the interval it should run at.  In ext/bb-bbexttab, set an
	interval qualifier with the script name by appending the
	qualifier to the script name. Here's an example entry in
	etc/bb-bbexttab: : : script1 script2;3600 script3;900 script4

	script1 and script4 will run every 5mins (the default)
	while script2 and and script3 will run every 60 and 15
	minutes respectively.  You specify the interval in seconds.
	Note that the delimiter is ';'. It used to be ':' in BBEXT
	but it had to change due to the line entry format.

        When it's ready don't forget to update the svcerrlist token
        in the bbwarnsetup.cfg file on your BBPAGER host.  You must
        assign a numeric code to your column name.

	You can also set the lifetime of the status sent by your
	script by following the instructions described in
	section 6.9: "Setting a Time To Live to a status message".

3.8	Starting BB at system boot

	Depending on U*X operation system version (Linux/BSD/Solaris/...)
	your startup procedures will vary from OS to OS.  In short, you
	have to create a startup script that has a start/stop
	capabilities.  Under a lot of OSes, you'll want to create your
	script in the init.d directory and create an S89bb link in rc3.d that
	links to init.d/S89bb (you may also want to create a K11bb link in
	rc3.d that'll be used when the system shuts down).  Use an existing
	startup script has an example and substitute with these commands:

	To start BB, use this command:

	su - <bbuser> -c "cd <BBHOME>;./ start"
	su - <bbuser> -c "cd <BBHOME>;./ restart"

	To stop BB, use this command:

	su - <bbuser> -c "cd <BBHOME>;./ stop"

	<bbuser> is the user that BB will execute has
		make sure that bbuser has all permissions under BBHOME
	<BBHOME> is the location of your BB install

	e.g. su - bb -c "cd /home/bb;./ start"

3.9	Summary of BB protocol

	Big Brother is based on a client/server paradigm.  BB Client
	software sends a message to a BB daemon (either a BBDISPLAY,
	BBPAGER or a BBRELAY) over a TCP connection using port 1984.
	The client connects to the BB port socket writes its data and
	closes the port.  The server listens on a that port socket
	then reads the incoming messages and closes the socket.

	Here's a quick summary of valid messages using an example:

	Status message:

	status www,bb4,com.disk red Wed Mar  7 21:16:33 EST 2001 Disk partitions on www,bb4,com OK
	/dev/wd0s1a    496053    25081   431288     5%    /
        /dev/wd0s4e   1998122  1094955   743318    60%    /home
        /dev/wd0s2e   1489830  1094928   275716    80%    /usr 

	*** Note that the status message can be also be sent within
	    a combo message.  You should only send "green" status thru a combo
	    message.  Each status message should be delimited by at least 2 newlines


		status ...

		status ...

		status ...

	Error message:

	page www,bb4,com.cpu red Thu Jan 25 17:36:30 EST 2001 up: 16 mins, 3 users, 105 procs, load=363 

	For both messages,

		host can be fully qualified or not
		  Note that ',' replaces the '.' in the hostname
		  for historical reason (I know, I know...)
		color can be red,green,yellow,purple,clear,blue
		text can be anything but usually on the first line
		it's just a summary while the rest of the text is
		a more detailed status.  Usually the date is inserted
		as the first entry in the text.

	Summary message:		

	summary quebec.mtl red

		quebec.mtl is the row/col definition
			quebec is the row
			mtl is the column is the BBDISPLAY to send the summary to is the URL that will be displayed
		  when the red dot will be clicked on

	Acknowledgement messages:

	ack add_event 1234567 120 Rob acked this

		This is to acknowledge an event from a script

		1234567 is the acknowledgement ID
		120 is the amount in minutes of the TTL of the ack
		"Rob acked this" is an optional message

	ack rm_event 345

		This is to signify that event has recovered.
		This should only be sent by a BBDISPLAY server daemon is the host.service combination
			that has recovered from an event. Note
			that commas are not needed in the hostname
			(confusing isn't it)

	ack addtag_event [email protected] 1234567 120 999999999 Rob acked this

		This message is used to create a tag file on BBDISPLAYs
		to enable a checkmark to be displayed in the web pages.
		This should only be sent by a BBPAGER server daemon is the host.service combination
			to be acked.
		[email protected] is the recipient that is acking the event
		1234567 is the ack number
		120 length in minutes of the ack
		99999999 is the current time in integer format
		"Rob acked this" is an optional message

	ack rmtag_event

		This message is used to remove a tag file on BBDISPLAYs
		that was created by an addtag_event message. is the host.service combination to remove

	Maintenance mode messages: (these message types are disabled by default)

	disable* 120 Disk Removal

		This message will notify BB to disable all notifications
		for the host.service combinations that match the
		regular expression specified.  Only a BBDISPLAY server
		should receive this message.* is a regular expression that will match
		  all services for
		120 is how long notifications will be disabled in minutes
		"Disk Removal" is an optional message


		This message will notify BB to reenable all notifications
		for the host.service combination specified. Only a BBDISPLAY server
		should receive this message.* is a regular expression that will match
		  all services for


		This message instructs BB to create the tagfile in the
		bbvar/disable directory.  A BBDISPLAY server automatically
		sends this message to all BBPAGER servers.  It shouldn't
		be used by scripts. is the host.service combination


		This message instructs BB to remove the tagfile in the
		bbvar/disable directory.  A BBDISPLAY server automatically
		sends this message to all BBPAGER servers.  It shouldn't
		be used by scripts. is the host.service combination

	Data transfer messages: (these message types are disabled by default)

	data ....

		The data message appends to the bbvar/data/
		file the text specified by ....  Note that the data text
		is appended.

	notes ....

		The notes message write the text defined by .... to the
		www/notes/ file.  Note the the data message
		overwrites the current file. This file can then be
		display by clicking on the hostname in the web display



Section 4:  Configuring the Notification feature (BBWARN)

4.1	A little History

	In the Beginning :), BB could only e-mail and notify by pager.
	The configuration required that all BB hosts (servers and
	clients) have the PAGER variable set with the recipients of the
	notifications.  There were no possibilities of customizing the
	notification feature.   This led to the:

	The Pager Protection Act of 1997

	Use of BB has been linked to the untimely death of at least one
	pager in Texas.  In order to protect pagers from their users, a
	notification scheme has been created to allow to specify a delay
	between the notifications.

	But this wasn't enough.  BB netizens got restless and finally a
	solution was delivered by Robert-Andre Croteau, and described in
	an article in SysAdmin magazine.  It was called BBWARN and it was
	good.  It allowed an admin to specify rules which enable him/her 
	to get notified based on the source of the error (host) and the 
	service involved and also based on the day/time.  Different rules 
	could be set up and different recipients could be specified
	depending on the characteristics of the problem

	Numerous changes have been made and various configuration
	options are available to the BB admin(s).

	Notification methods

	You can currently get notified by email, numeric pager and
	SMS communication device.  Users have reported custom
	notification by alpha-numeric pagers and other PCS devices
	(some are available on the FTP archive or a search of the
	mailing list archives will lead you to them).

	To use the email feature, your BBPAGER host (in bb-hosts)
	must have an email program.  This is not a problem on UNIX:
	the mail (mailx) program is available.

	Sending a notification message to a numeric pager requires
	kermit and a modem.  The path of kermit should be defined in
	the KERMIT variable of

4.2	Setting up notification

	All of the BB notification configuration is specified in the
	etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg file.  Here are the various options that
	can be set. Note that instructions are included in the
	configuration file as comments. 

	All tokens in the etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg file must be defined
	on the BBPAGER host.  ***** The 'pagelevels:' token must be
	defined on all BB hosts (servers & clients) because the 'bb'
	executable sends the notification and that is done locally
	on each client host. *****

	bbwarn: Set to "TRUE" is you want to enable the notification

	svcerrlist: This contains a list of service/code pairs.  The service
			name is the column found in the HTML display and
			the code is the value displayed on a numeric message.
			If you add a custom check then the column name
			must have a corresponding code.

	ignforall: Is a regular expression that is used to temporarely
			disable notification a host.service combinations
		e.g.  .*.cpu|.*.msgs|host11.*
		Don't notify for any cpu/msgs errors and any errors
			concerning host11.

		N.B. This feature can be duplicated but the ! rule (below).

	pagehelpcode: Numeric code to use when a user sends a manual
		notification.  See section 4.5.

	ttyline: List of modems devices.  You can specify more than one.

	prefix: Prefix to use when dialing out
	suffix: Suffix to use when dialing out (like a hangup)

	pagelevels: At which color level to send a notification.
		This token MUST be set on every host (clients & servers).
		You must restart BB if you modify it.

	pagelevelsmail: if a color defined here is also defined in pagelevels
		then only e-mail recipient will receive notifications
		when an error occurs at the pagelevelsmail defined color.
		Note that only recipient in the form [email protected] will
		be notified, if a recipient is prefixed with ep-, ext-XXX-
		or any other valid prefix, it will be ignored as they are
		not considered e-mail recipients.

	pagerecovered:  Set to TRUE if you want to be notified
		when a problem has been fixed.  This feature is only available
		when 'pagetype:' is set to EVENT.

	pagetype: Defines how the pager delay is handled.  There are
		4 choices (RCPT|EVENT|HOST|GROUP).
		RCPT: the recipient is not notified until pager delay
		EVENT: the recipient is not notified for a particular
			host.service combination until the pager delay
		HOST: the recipient is not notified for a particular
                        host until the pager delay expires.
		GROUP:  the recipient is not notified for a particular
                        host.service within the same etc/bb-hosts group
			combination until the pager delay expires. 

	pagemaster: Recpient(s) to receive an e-mail notification if
			a page notification could not be sent.

	pageaddhtmlpath:  Set to TRUE if you want the HTML path of
		the status log to be appended to an e-mail
		notification.  If this is set to TRUE, make sure the
		BBWEBHTMLLOGS variable is set correctly in etc/

	cfgdelim: entry delimiter in the etc/bbwarnrules.cfga

	briefrcpt: define the recipients that should receive a brief
		notifications message.  You can you use regular expressions:
		ie. ep-*  (all e-page recipients)
		This expression will be expanded to this regular expresssion: ep-.*
		The message will have this format:
			hostname.service - XXXYYYYYYYYYYYY
			<link to host.svc page in bb>

		Note: XXXYYYYYYYYYYY - Service code and IP address

	hg-xxxxxxx: You can have multiple hg-xxxxxxx tokens that
		define a group of hosts/devices.  So you can
		e.g.  create hostgroup 'hg-routers' as an alias or
			shorthand of a list your routers.
		These tokens can then be specified in the bbwarnrules.cfg
		file in the host-fields columns (1st/2nd column) instead
		of having to type all of them individually in all rules lines.

	pg-yyyyyyy: You can have multiple pg-yyyyyyy tokens that define a
		group of recipients. These tokens are expanded in the rules
		lines inthe recipients definition.

	On the client make sure that PAGELEVELS is set (etc/ and
	on the server, if appropriate, that PAGELEVELSMAIL(etc/ is set.
	Refer to section 3.2 for more details.

4.3	Creating notification rules

	You define the notification rules in the etc/bbwarnrules.cfg file.

	Rules are written in the following format: 


	hosts: match on these hosts (* is a wildcard for all hosts)
	exhosts: exclude these hosts
	services: match on these services (* is wildcard for all hosts)
	exservices: exclude these services
	day: 0-6 (sunday-saturday)
	time: 0000-2359
	recipients: email address, numeric pager, sms number,
		qpage recipients are defined with qp-<recipient>
		sendpage recipients are defined with sp-<recipient>
		Hylafax sendpage recipients are defined with hsp-<recipient>
		   (note that Hylafax sendpage arguments will be added
		    with the -p construct, regular sendpage don't)
		e-pager recipients are defined with ep-<recipient>
		SNMP traps are sent with trap-<destination IP address>
		(note that SNMP trap support is preliminary and may be subject to change)

	N.B. Please specify all recipients that do not allow long messages
		in the briefrcpt token in etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg.

	There's also a special format of the rule line:


	If a rule line starts with ! the event thats matches
	the rule line will disable notification to any
	recipient defined on that rule line.
	If the recipients field is '*' then no notification
	will occur for that event.  Here's an example

	This will in effect disable all notifications and render
	useless any other rule that you have defined :)

	!*;;*;;*;*;robert@localhost 9999999

	This will remove robert@localhost and 9999999 from the
	list of recipients for the current event if they were
	defined on another rule that matched the same event.

	The value set by 'cfgdelim' (in bbwarnsetup.cfg) is your
	field delimiter. In this case the value is ';'
	Even though egrep regular expressions are allowed, do not use
	the .* construct, just use '*'.  It will be replaced with
	.* in the regexp.  It's just that * is more readable than .*

	Also the default 'pagedelay' value (see bbwarnsetup.cfg)
	which indicates how long before the next notification occurs
	can be overridden on the rule line for a specific recipient
	by appending the time value to the recipient:

		recipient:XX   where XX is the value in minutes.

	For examples and complete information please refer to the
	etc/bbwarnrules.cfg and the etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg files.


	To escalate a notification, you use the following format
	for the recipient:


		XX is the initial wait before sending the notification
		YY is the delay for each subsequent call.  If it is
		not specified then the 'pagedelay' value is used.

		An escalation can only be acknowledged by the

	Initial delay

	An initial delay can be specified when configuring a recipient.
	The format is:


		XX is the initial delay before sending the notification
		YY is the delay for each subsequent call.  If it is
		not specified then the 'pagedelay' value is used.

		An initial delay can be reset if a recipient
		acknowledges a notification for all recipients of
		that notification (see below).

	There's a simple checking program that validates the contents
	of your bbwnarnrules.cfg file.  It is located in $BBHOME/etc.
	cd $BBHOME/etc

	Note that it only checks if your config file is not missing
	a column. 

4.4	Acknowledging a notification

	When an admin is notified, the admin is always sent an
	acknowlegement tag with the message.  This tag number
	is seven digits (XXXXXYY): the first five digits are a unique
	number and the last two digits are the recipient's ID for that
	notification (the recipient's ID can change, it is valid
	only for the current notification). Note that you can
	acknowledge using XXXXX99 to signify to acknowledge
	for all recipients of the XXXXX ack ID message except
	for escalated recipients(^rcpt) which can only ack themselves.

	In an e-mail notification, the ack number is in the
	subject and the body of the message: in the subject
	it is found at the beginning as in "!BB - XXXXXXX!",
	and in the body of the message it is at the beginning of
	the body delimited by [XXXXXXX].

	In a numeric page, the acknowledgement is always after
	the BB numeric code.  It is the last 7 digits of the
	numeric message.  NOTE, if your pager doesn't support
	more than 21 digits, then you're out of luck, you'll
	be missing some digits. You could always try to
	shorten the ack number but that is left as an exercise
	for the reader ;-).  If you get the first 5 digits
	then you can always use recipient 99 to acknowledge
	for all recipients but that may not fly at your site
	especially if you have multiple recipients.

4.5	Manual notification (Web based "PAGE/ACK" button)

	You can enable the manual notification feature and
	let the user reach you by pager/e-mail if they can't get
	a hold of you.  If this is enabled, then you'll
	receive a numeric message starting with 911 (pagecode
	in etc/bbwarnsetup.cfg) followed by the phone
	number to call.  Copy the web/ script (if
	it was not copied during the installation)
	to your cgi-bin directory and make sure all permissions
	are correct.

	You can setup who gets called when, by adding rules
	to the etc/bbwarnrules.cfg file.  The pseudo host to use
	is notify-admin*.  There's an example in the config

4.6	SMS notification

	This a user custom notification scheme for SMS devices.
	What follows is the README file for his custom hack.

	Last updated: 1997-01-11 by [email protected]

	This section describes the usage of a kermit script that
	sends SMS messages.

	It is used as a mail -> SMS gateway, and also for the "Big Brother"
	network monitor(obviously).

	The kermit script for SMS can be found in etc/sms.scr

	My operator uses NOKIA server software, hopefully you can use
	this also on Motorola servers, without too much hassle.

		SMS     Short Message Service
		SMSC    Short Message Service Center
		CIMD    Computer Interface to Message Distribution


		kermit sms.scr device file number [number [number [...]]]
			device is modem device like /dev/cua0

	The file should contain the message, only first line of file
	will be sent, and it MUST be terminated with LF, otherwise the
	kermit script won't be able to extract the message.

	SMS messages can only be 160 chars, and since nobody would want
	a lengthly message on a 8 character display, I haven't bothered
	to handle message splitting. If message is too long, it is truncated.

	If one or more SMS phonenumbers can be specified, the message will be
	sent to each one of them.


		I have done this the easy way, that is I start CIMD with
	faked checksums, if anybody manages to generate correct checksums,
	please mail me.

	Log in to SMSC

		You have to set two variables in sms.scr:

		\%b 	phonenumber to you operators SMSC
		\%c	login to access CIMD

		For Europolitan (Swedish operator) you can use:

		\%b 46708222902
		\%c cimd3  # (use faked checksums)

		This starts the CIMD server, and from now we must ACK
		all responses.

		Don't forget to include your modem prefix to \%b!!

		I don't use the "prefix" token from BB, since I also use
		this script as a mail->SMS gateway. If you are going to
		use this, you must anyhow configure this script, so I hope
		you don't mind.

	Start a CIMD session

		The first step in a CIMD session is to identify yourself

		You have to set two variables in sms.scr:

		\%d	CIMD account
		\%e	CIMD password

		Unfourtunately, I cant give you theese values ;)

		Now you have configured your script and can start to use it!

		Send to all recipients

		BB calls the script one time for each recipient, that's
		a bit of a waste, but it would just be to much work to
		get around.  If you call it manually or from sendmail,
		you can use multiple recipients.

	More info

		The (english) spec of NOKIAS CIMD implementation can
		be found on:

		If you happen to know swedish, you can read more on Europolitans
		implementation  on:


		Please let me know if you use this with a non NOKIA server,
		or if you fix real checksums!

	Jacob Lundqvist <[email protected]> (SMS:+46-708-555 456)

	Thanks Jacob !!!

4.7	Using kermit

		By default, BB expects kermit 5 to be installed on your
	BBPAGER host.  On certain installations it is V6 and up that is
	installed.  If that's your case then you must (might) modify which
	kermit script is used:

		copy numeric-k6.scr to numeric.scr in the script.
		(don't forget to make a backup of numeric.scr)

		But try with numeric.scr at first and if it doesn't work
	then replace it with numeric-k6.scr. Don't forget to set KERMIT in

4.8	Adding/modifying for a custom notification procedure

		You can create your own notification by editing your own
	notification script.  For examples see: ext/pg/ex1
	or ext/pg/ex2 .  Your script must be saved in the $BBHOME/ext/pg

		You would use a special prefix in the etc/bbwarnrules.cfg
	file.  For example, you could use the recipient [email protected]
	to send a notification to the recipient called "[email protected]"
	using the "ex1" script.

		You create your own look for the notification message
	by using the following environment variables in your script
	in order to customize it.

	BBALPHAMSG - is the text body
	ACKCODE - is the security associated with the notification
	RCPT - is the recipient name (stripped of the ext-name- prefix)
	BBHOSTNAME - is the hostname in format
	BBHOSTSVC - is the tag
	BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS - is the host,name,com.service tag
		(notice that the '.' were replaced by ',')
	BBNUMERIC - is a numeric value made up of 22+ digits
		XXX - corresponding code of service defined in bbwarnsetup.cfg
		ZZZZZZZ - security code - first 5 digits: event ID code
					  last  2 digits: user ID code
	MACHIP - is the IP address of host in normalized 12 digits AAABBBCCCDDD
	BBSVCNAME - Name of the service of the event
	BBSVCNUM - numeric equivalent of the service name
		(from svcerrlist in bbwarnsetup.cfg)
	BBCOLORLEVEL - Color level causing the notification
	RECOVERED - 1 in recovery mode, anything else non-recovery mode
	DOWNSECSMSG - Default recovery message
	DOWNSECS - # of seconds to recovery
		After you've created your own script, make sure the
	permissions allow only the authorized users to modify it.

4.9	Notification/acknowledgement logs

		You'll find logs of who got notified for what reasons,
	logs about recoveries, who got a recovery message and logs about
	who acknowledged what notification.   They are all located in the
	$BBACKS directory:


4.10	Disabling notifications temporarely

	This feature is not automatically available.  It must be
	defined in the RUNOPTS variable in etc/
	Add the ENABLE_DISABLE tag to RUNOPTS.  You must restart BB
	after the change.

	Please be warned that if you enable this feature, a hacker
	could disable notifications while cracking into your systems.

	You can temporarely disable notifications without having to
	modify the etc/bbwarnrules.cfg file.

	All you have to do is send a 'disable' message to the
	BBDISPLAY(s) using the following format:

	USE 'bb' directly

	./bb $BBDISP "disable 'host regular expression' 'duration' [reason]"

	You can match multiple hosts/services by specifying a regular
	expression instead of a real host name.  The duration is
	in minutes. You can also add an optional reason that will be
	displayed in the status.

	USE 'bb' directly


	cd $BBHOME/bin
	./bb $BBDISP "disable 240"

		Disable notifications for the disk event of
		for 240 minutes.

	cd $BBHOME/bin
	./bb $BBDISP "disable* 240"

		Disable notifications for all events for host for 240 minutes

	cd $BBHOME/bin
	./bb $BBDISP "disable* 240 Taking offline for a new disk"

		Disable notifications for all events for host for 240 minutes and specify the reason

	NOTE: duration can be expressed in seconds/minutes/hours/days

		30s: 30 seconds
		15m: 15 minutes
		1h:  1 hour
		1d:  1 day
		by default, minutes are used if a qualifier is not specified

	To reenable a disabled host(s), send the "enable" message

	./bb $BBDISP "enable 'host regular expression'"

	As an example:

	cd $BBHOME/bin
	./bb $BBDISP "enable*"

		Enable notifications on all events for host

	Note that when you use the enable message, the colored dot
	will stay blue until a new status is received by the BBDISPLAY(s)

4.11	Acknowledging a notification by e-mail

	You can acknowledge a notification by e-mail by setting
	up the bin/ in the .forward file of the used id
	that sent the notification message.

	On the BBPAGER host, set up a .forward file in the user
	account that's running the BB instance.  The contents of
	the .forward file should be:


	Replace  by the real BBHOME path,

	Then in the script, set up these variables
	BBUSER - user id of the BB instance
	BBHOME - self describing ;)
	MAILFILE - Location of the user id mailbox in case the
		   message is not an acknowledgement
	REPLYPFX - Prefix used to identify a reply. If you intend
		   to use multiple mail programs to ack and if they
		   don't provide the same prefix, I suggest you
		   use your own prefix and enter it on the subject
		   line instead of the one given by the mail program.
	DELAY - Default duration of the delay

	When you receive an e-mail notification, you can simply reply
	to the mail message to ack the notification and to delay the
	next notification for DELAY minutes if the problem persists.

	As long as the subject of the reply mail message is in the
	following format(It assumes the REPLYPFX is "Re:"):

	Re: !BB - XXXXXXX! 

	You can specify the DELAY in the reply message also


	This will set the delay to 120 mins

	You can also specify a message that is saved in bbvar/acks/acklog

	Re: !BB - XXXXXXX! MSG=This is a message

	Anything after the MSG= is considered a message

	Finally, you can also tell the to return a
	confirmation of the replied message (but it doesn't guarantee that
	the actual acknowledgement worked).


	You can use all 3 directives on a subject line

	Re: !BB - XXXXXXX! ACK=Y DELAY=120 MSG=This is a message

	If the mail message does not start with "Re: !BB - XXXXXXX", then
	the message is saved at the location pointed by MAILFILE.

4.12	Displaying acknowledgements

	When an acknowledgement is sent to BB, it displays that
	fact by changing the colored dot of the acknowledged event
	to a checkmark of the same color.  It also adds a status
	line at the bottom of the individual status page.
	You can also have the last 25 acknowledgements listed in the
	bb2.html page.  This feature is enabled by default. To disable
	it, you must remove the script name in the BBMKBB2EXT variable
	in etc/  You need to restart BB to have the change take


Section 5:  Customizing your Big Brother display

5.1      Customizing the HTMLized status logs

	If you don't like the blinking gifs, you can change them to
	non-blinking by copying over the files found in www/gifs.
	The non-blinking gifs start with the nb- prefix.

	You can change Sean's mean face in the bb.html/bb2.html and
	HTMLized status logs by replacing the bb.gif file.  This only
	applies to pre-1.3 versions.

	You can change the header/footer for the HTMLized status pages.
	The files are located in the /web directory.  Note that
	your customized version can contain special tags which can be
	replaced by values:

		&BBDATE: current date/time
		&BBBACKGROUND: with the current background color
		&BBRELDATE: Release date of the current version
		&BBREL: Current version number
		&BBCOLOR: Color of this status file
		&BBHOST: Name of host of current status file
		&BBSVC: Service name of current status file.
		&BBIPNAME: IP address of host, if then use hostname
		&BBIP: IP address of host, always return IP address unless not found

		You can add tags by modifying the bbd.c file. Every
	time a status log is received by bbd, an HTML version of the
	status log is created by prefixing the status with the header
	file and suffixing with the footer file.

		You can put tags also in the status logs:

		&red	&green	&yellow	&clear	&purple

		These tags are replaced with a corresponding image
	source tag for the HTMLized version.  Just like the
	script does for the disk and procs tests.  So, if you create
	your own custom check, enter these tags if you want to see a
	colored dot in the HTMLized status.

	NOTE:  If you do not wish to have HTMLized status files, then
		rename the www/html directory and the main BB display
		pages will use the plain text status logs which are
		located in the $BBLOGS directory.  This will only
		work if you had the install program create the
		old-style directory structure.

5.2     Customizing headers / footers (for reports too)

	bb.html/bb2.html and various HTML page generation
	can be customized by modifying their respectable
	headers/footers. These are located in the $BBHOME/web

	The bb.html uses bb_header/bb_footer and bb2.html uses
	bb2_header/bb2_footer.  You can also customize the output
	of the HTML file defined by the page directive in bb-hosts
	by creating <page name>_header/<page name>_footer
	files and you can also customize the HTML file defined by
	the subpage directive in bb-hosts with the files
	<page name>_<subpage name>_header and
	<page name>_<subpage name>_footer. So an example is
	division1_department3_header and division1_department3_footer.

	The reporting feature (bb_rep.html) also uses the same format.
	Except that bb.html uses bbrep_header/bbrep_footer. (bb2.html
	has no equivalent in reporting).  As for the page directive,
	use <page name>rep_header/<page name>rep_footer.
	And for the subpage directive, use <page name>_<subpage name>rep_header
	and <page name>_<subpage name>rep_footer.

	Do not use the < and > characters in the filename,
	they were used for readability.

	NOTE:  The link to MUST be kept in the
		footer page as per your agreement of the
		license agreement.

5.3     Creating skins

	You can create your own look and feel by customizing
	various HTML aspects of Big Brother.

	You can use your own gifs by creating a new directory
	under $BBHOME/www.  As an example, a directory 'psy'
	has been created with more psychedelic colored dots
	It lives in $BBHOME/www/psy.  To use those images then
	set the BBSKIN variable in etc/ to "psy".

	To further modify the appearance of your display,
	modify the header/footer files found in $BBHOME/web.

	You also have some control over the bb.html/bb2.html
	and the status logs HTML pages by modifying the
	following variables in etc/

	MKBBLOCAL	Title of the table for pages
	MKBBSUBLOCAL	Title of the table for subpages
	MKBBREMOTE	Title of the table of summaries
	MKBBTITLE	HTML attributes for titles
	MKBBROWFONT	HTML attributes for hostnames
	MKBBCOLFONT	HTML attibutes for column names
	DAYS		Text for days
	HOURS		Text for hours
	MINS		Text for minutes
	STATUNCHNMSG	Text for unchanged status at bottom of status log
	RECVFROMMSG	Text for IP location message at bottom of status log
	DOTHEIGHT	Height of colored dots
	DOTWIDTH	Widtn of colored dots
	BBSKIN		Directory of images
	MKBBLOCALCOLS	Number of columns of the table for pages/subpages

5.4     Inserting notes about your hosts

	You can setup HTML links on the host name in the
	bb.html/bb2.html pages to point to an information
	page for that particular host.

	If a file exists in the www/notes directory that
	matches the system name as displayed on the bb pages,
	then they are linked into both the bb.html page and the
	bb2.html summary page.

	These files can end in .htm, .html, .shtml, .php3 
	or nothing :)

	You can create these files manually or you can use the
	"notes" messages type:

	"notes <name of file> <data to write to the file>"

	Here's an example:

	cd $BBHOME/bin
	./bb $BBDSIP "notes <HTML><BODY>It's a hit!</BODY></HTML>"

	This feature is not automatically available.  It must be
	defined in the RUNOPTS variable in etc/
	Add the NOTESMSG tag to RUNOPTS.  You must restart BB
	after the change.

	Please be warned that if you enable this feature,  a hacker
	could fill the disk with dummy notes file.  Also note that
	the file size is limited to the incoming buffer of BB
	and by the size of the environment buffer.

	Also note that if you source the BB environment prior
	to sending the "notes" message and you have multiple BBDISPLAYs
	then the "notes" message will be sent to all BBDISPLAYs.  If you
	want to send it to only one BBDISPLAY, then use that IP address
	as the command line argument and set BBDISPLAYS to "" just 
	before sending your message.

5.5     Extending the contents of the main HTML pages

	You can tack on some extra HTML code at the bottom of the
	bb.html /bb2.html pages before the insertion of the footer.

	You save the scripts that generate the HTML code in the
	$BBHOME/ext/mkbb directory.  And in etc/, you specify
	the name of those scripts in the BBMKBBEXT variable for output on
	the bb.html page and in the BBMKBB2EXT variable for output in

	There's an example of a script in $BBHOME/ext/mkbb called that displays the last global events in a table
	of the bb2.html page.

	Make sure that the scripts are only writable by the owner
	to prevent someone to execute malicious code.

5.6     Extending the contents of the history HTML pages

	You can tack on some extra HTML code at the bottom of a
	history display page before the insertion of the footer.

	You save the scripts that generate the HTML code in the
	$BBHOME/ext/hist directory.  And in etc/, you specify
	the name of those scripts in the BBHISTEXT variable.

	Make sure that the scripts are only writable by the owner
	to prevent someone to execute malicious code.

5.7     Working with historical logs

	There are many historical logs available with BB.  These logs
	contain all events that occured based on the host.service
	combination, on the host itself or for all hosts.  These logs
	are found in the $BBHIST directory.  You can use these logs to
	view that last events that occured.  By default, if you view
	a status log, you can click the history button to view the
	last 50 events for that host.service combination.  You can
	also use the ext/mkbb/ to view the last 20
	events that happened for all hosts (you can view more by changing
	the NUMEVENTS variable in to the size you want).

	You can disable the logging of events by renaming the
	$BBHIST directory.  You can set BBHOSTHISTLOG=FALSE
	or BBALLHISTLOG=FALSE to prevent the logging of host or all
	hosts events.  You set those values in etc/

	There's a lot of interesting information available in those
	logs.  Check the FTP site for scripts that take advantage
	of that information.

	There's also a directory that keeps a copy of the status logs
	when they change state such that they can be viewed later on.
	The status logs are saved in the $BBHISTLOGS directory.  A directory
	is created with the name of the hosts and then each service has its
	own directory where the status logs are saved based on the time of
	the occurance.

5.8     Hiding the bb.html/bb2.html page header

	You can position the bb.html/bb2.html pages at the beginning
	of the first block by accessing the page as follows:


	You can bookmark this position to hide the header.

5.9     Pre-defined anchors in bb.html

		Go to the first host (same anchor as begindata)
		Go to the subpages table
		Go to the summaries table
		Go to the dialups table

		Go to the host line by using the hostname
		as the anchor: i.e.

5.10     Displaying multiple pages links on the same line

		By default, each page link are displayed in an
	HTML table, one entry per line.  You can now have more than
	one entry per line by modifying the value of MKBBLOCALCOLS
	in etc/


Section 6:  Miscellaneous Big Brother configuration options

6.1     Specifying filesystem specific values in the disk test

		You can define warning and panic levels for specific
	filesystems.  They are defined in the etc/bb-dftab file. This file
	contains definitions for all hosts all in a single file.  You just need 
	to redistribute across your hosts. The format is as follows:

		[hostname]:/filesystem:warning level:panic level



		/ uses 85% for warning level and 95% for panic, this is
			valid for all hosts (as no host name was define
			in the definition)
		Only on /oradata uses 98% for warning
			and 99% for panic
		All other filesystems use the default values defined
		in the etc/ file.

	Use the etc/bb-dftab.DIST file as a starting point.

6.2     Enabling security

		When BB is installed, it accepts connections from 
	any hosts.  You can specify from which hosts only to accept
	status logs using the etc/security file.

		You can define individual hosts or networks in the
	etc/security file.  Using this format:

		Accept from network, for host
	and the network.

6.3     Using bbnet to test TCP services

	You can test any text based TCP services using bbnet.
	To do so add the test in  If you need
	just a basic test, then just add the service to
	the list of other services.  If you need to send a
	special command to the service daemon, then add a case
	statement entry like the imap test.  Set change the
	textmsg variable to the text to be sent to the daemom.

	You can also use special options for bbnet. The -q/-Q/-s
	options are available.  The -q option does not return
	the elasped time of test if bbnet was compiled with the
	-DGETTIMEOFDAY switch (which is only valid if
	the gettimeofday() function is available).  The -Q option
	prevents the display of error messages. Finally the -s
	option only connects to the port to verify if the port
	can be opened.

	See the section on the etc/bb-hosts configuration file
	on how to tell the network test to use these options.

6.4     Sending custom one line status with bb

	The bb executable used to send statuses/notifications
	to the BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER can also be used by a custom
	check using standard input:

	custom_check | $BB $BBDISP - 

	The custom_check program just needs to send a single
	line status to stdout (use the exact format of status
	files found in $BBLOGS).  This is very useful if the
	custom check program is a daemon.

6.5     Changing the 'purple' interval

	By default, BB will send a 'purple' status to indicate
	that a status has not been received in the last 30
	minutes (default). You can change this value to a more
	suitable value by modifying  PURPLEDELAY in etc/

6.6    Specifying processes to look for

	The PROCS & PAGEPROC variables in etc/ can
	be set with the names of the processes to monitor.

	A more sensible way ... is to use the etc/bb-proctab file.
	This file contains definitions for all hosts all in a single file.
	You just need to redistribute this file across your hosts.
	Host entries can be defined on multiple line entries for clarity
	in case you have many processes to check.

	The format is as follows:

		[hostname1]:process list for yellow : process list for red
		[hostname1]:process list for yellow : process list for red
		[hostname2]:process list for yellow : process list for red
		[hostname3]:process list for yellow : process list for red
		[hostname3]:process list for yellow : process list for red


		localhost:smtp:httpd!oracle "sleep 30":smtp

		!process - check that host does not exists
		"sleep 30" - use '"' when you want to check on a
				process that spawns multiple words

		You can also add logic to define min/max instances
		of a running process:
			httpd;>15  - more than 15 httpd must be running
			httpd;<=10 - less or equal to 10 hhtpd must be running
			httpd;5 - exactly 5 instances must be running

		if you don't specify the # of instances then it checks
		that at least one instance is running.  For processes
		defined with "" as in "sleep 30", you must add the logic
		within the "": i.e. "sleep 30;>6"

	Use the etc/bb-proctab.DIST file as a starting point.
	If bb-proctab exists, then it overrides the PROCS/PAGEPROC
		values in

6.7    Sending data to the BBDISPLAY to be handled by an external script

	You can send data to your BBDISPLAY host to be
	processed by an external script, a cron job or
	a command line program/script.

	The data is appended to the specified file name into the
	$BBDATA directory.

	To use this feature you have to send a "data" message
	to the BBDISPLAY in this format:

	"data <file name> <file data>"

	Here's an example:

	./bb $BBDISP "data 952281437 10m 5000"

	The "952281437 10m 5000" would be appended to the
	$BBDATA/ file.
	This feature is not automatically available.  It must be
	defined in the RUNOPTS variable in etc/
	Add the DATAMSG tag to RUNOPTS.  You must restart BB
	after the change.

	Please be warned that if you enable this feature,  a hacker
	could fill the disk with dummy data files.  

	Also note that if you source the BB environment prior
	to sending the "data" message and you have multiple BBDISPLAYs
	then the "data" message will be sent to all BBDISPLAYs.  If you
	want to send it to only one BBDISPLAY, then use that IP address
	as the command line argument and set BBDISPLAYS to "" just 
	before sending your message.

6.8   	Disabling the messages file(s) zero-length test

	By default Big Brother verifies that none of the messages file
	specified in the MSGFILE variable is of zero-length.  This is
	a simple test to make sure that a hacker hasn't linked your
	messages file(s) to /dev/null.

	Unfortunately, on some systems, when the logs are rotated
	they are left empty by the procedure that rotates the logs.

	If this is your case then you have 2 choices:

	Immediately have the log rotation, add this command:
	echo "`date`" >> <message file(s)>
	or use a syslogd feature to add a line in the messages file(s)	
	or simply disable the zero-length check by setting the
	CHKMSGLEN variable to FALSE in

	Note, IMHO, the zero-length should always be there.  Simply
	echo the data to the messages file(s) or use syslogd features
	to add an entry in the message file(s).  Security is too
	important to ignore.  Your best bet is to install a log
	scanner to analyze your messages file(s).  Which one ?
	It is our of BB's scope to tell which one(s) but ask
	around for opinions of people who use log scanners.

6.9	Setting a Time To Live to a status message

	When you create external scripts, you can now tell how
	long the status is valid for.  Just specify the length
	in minutes of the status.  This is to prevent purple status
	on certain service that are not run in the regular interval
	of 5 minutes.

	To use this feature just follow this example

	$BB $BBDISP "status+1560 www,bb4,com.backup green `date` Backup Successful"

	A purple indicator will be triggered only if no status is received
	within 1560 minutes (26hours).

6.10	Disabling the connectivity test

	In some cases you may want to disable the connectivity test
	altogether because you don't need it or because you want to
	use the external script available at .

	To disable it, just set the CONNTEST variable in etc/, 
	on the BBNET host, to FALSE.  Also take in consideration that by
	disabling this test you will lose the ability to generate clear
	conditions for the other network tests because you will not have
	access to then connectivity status for that host.

6.11	Reducing connectivity errors

	If you are prone to a lot of red status for your connectivty
	tests even though the host responds when you ping by hand.
	To possibly reduce these false alarms, you may want to add/change
	the PINGPAR1 or PINGPAR2 parameters in etc/bbsys.local on
	the BBNET host.  Adjust according to the BBNET's ping
	parameters. PINGPAR1 are options that goes before the hostname/
	IP address in the ping command while PINGPAR2 are options that
	goes after the hostname/IP address.

	Adjust the number of packets sent for the ping test. Start with
	sending 2 packets and analyze the results. If it did not make
	a difference, try with 3 packets.  Note that when you specify
	more than one packet to be sent, you inherently add a 1 second
	sleep on each new packet. This will delay, in seconds, your
	whole network test by (n-1) * hosts.  If you test a large number
	of hosts, you will see a noticable difference in how often your
	hosts gets tested.

6.12	Speeding up the network tests

	If you have a faily large number of servers to monitor there's
	a very good possibility that the network tests takes a while
	to complete.

	You can speed up the tests by parallelizing the network tests
	from a single script to running multiple
	copies of at once.

	All you have to do is to increase the value of BBNETTHREADS in
	etc/  Indicate how many you'd like to
	have working concurrently.

	You can also speed up the network tests by using the fping
	program to do the connectivity test.  You'll have to download
	fping and also get the external script at the FTP
	archive site:  You can disable the
	regular ping test by setting CONNTEST to FALSE in etc/

6.13	Enabling WML ouput (WAP browsing)

	By default, BB does not generate WML files.  YOu can enable
	the generation of the WML files by setting WML_OUTPUT to
	TRUE in etc/  The files will be saved in the www/wml

	You'll be able to view the output on a WAP browser by viewing
	the <BBWEB>/wml/bb.wml URL.

	Make sure your web server can render wml files.  In your
	web server's mime.types file, make sure the following line
	is defined:

	text/vnd.wap.wml             wml

	Add it if need be and stop/start your web server. Also note
	that some WAP device accepts can't accept large page size
	and you may have to reduce the value of WMLMAXCHARS to
	control the size of the bb.wml/bb2.wml pages.  On the other
	hand, if your WAP device accepts large pages, then you can
	increase the value such that more info can appear on a
	single page.

6.14	Having BB tell you to reboot a server after is has been up XXX days

	You can have BB display the "cpu" column as yellow dot when a
	server has been up more than a pre-determined value.  You
	set the BBTOOMANYDAYSUP value in etc/ to the number
	of days of uptime after you wish to schedule a reboot.
	You can also set this value in etc/bb-cputab.

6.15	Using an alias name for the current host in etc/bb-hosts

	Sometimes you may want to use an alias for the hostname
	instead of the hostname returned by the 'uname -a' command.
	To do so, on the BB client you wish to use an alias,
	create an etc/bbaliasname file that you want with the alias
	hostname as its contents and BB will use that hostname.
	Then use that alias hostname in the all bb-hosts files (BBDISPLAY,
	BBPAGER, BBNET).  Also, you must declare the "testip"
	directive in the bb-hosts file of the BBNET host because
	the alias is unlikely resolvable by DNS otherwise the
	network tests will likely fail.

6.16    Specifying CPU threshold values

	BB uses the 5min load average value (from uptime) multiplied
	by 100 (the dot is stripped from the value returned by uptime).

	The CPUWARN & CPUPANIC variables in etc/ can
	be set with the load average thresholds to monitor.  This was
	explained in section 3.2.

	A more sensible way ... is to use the etc/bb-cputab file.
	This file contains definitions for all hosts all in a single file.
	You just need to redistribute this file across your hosts.

	The format is as follows:

	hostname: misc settings : threshold value for yellow : threshold value for red
	localhost: misc settings : threshold value for yellow : threshold value for red
	: misc settings :threshold value for yellow : threshold value for red


	localhost: : 150 : 300 : 250 : 350 daysup=999 : 75 : 150

	Note that the order for matching is the following:
	1) try to match for the hostname
	2) use the localhost values is defined
	3) use the ": XX : YY" line values if defined
	4) use the CPUWARN/CPUPANIC values in etc/ if no match is found

	Use the etc/bb-cputab.DIST file as a starting point.
	If bb-cputab exists and if a match is found then the values
		override the CPUWARN/CPUPANIC values in

	The "misc settings" field is reserved for other CPU test checks.
	Currently on "daysup" is valid and the number associated with it
	overrides the BBTOOMANYDAYSUP variable.

6.17    Configuring messages file testing

	The PAGEMSG, MSGS & IGNMSGS variables in etc/ can
	be used to define keywords to search for in messages file(s).

	Well, that's the old way.  You can now define entries in
	the etc/bb-msgstab file to set those values.
	This file contains definitions for all hosts all in a single file.
	You just need to redistribute this file across your hosts.

	The format is as follows:

	hostname: filename(s) : misc settings : yellow string(s) : red string(s) : matched strings to ignore
	localhost: filename(s) : misc settings : yellow string(s) : red string(s) : matched strings to ignore
	: filename(s) : misc settings : yellow string(s) : red string(s) : matched strings to ignore

	example: /var/log/messages : : WARNING : NOTICE : not this message ; and this one either /var/log/maillog : : refused : ERROR ; error ; BAD SU : from

	To define more than one string in each field, the strings must
	be seperated by a ';'.

	The <misc settings> is currently not implemented.

	You can define multiple entries for the host in the
	etc/bb-msgstab file.  If you want different settings for different files
	on the same host, use different lines.

	If a matched entry for the yellow/red string(s) contains the
	"matched strings to ignore" then the current match is ignored.
	Use the etc/bb-msgstab.DIST file as a starting point.

	If bb-msgstab exists and if a host matches an entry then the values
	override the PAGEMSG/MSGS/IGNMSGS  values in If there's
	no matches for the current host then the PAGEMSG/MSGS/IGNMSGS
	values are used.

	You can reset the colored dot from red/yellow to green by removing
	the corresponding tmp/* and tmp/MSG.yellow.* files.  Those
	files contain previous error messages and by default they are removed
	when they expire.

6.18    Using the combo message

	The combo message enables BB to send more than one status message
	at a time.  This is useful when you create an external script
	that may have to send at lot of status messages (i.e. doing some
	network tests against all hosts).  There are 3 steps in using
	the combo message:

	1) Initialize combo message processing

		Before you can start using the combo message in your
		script, you must initialize its processing, add these
		lines at the beginning of your script:

		export BBCOMBOID
		$BBHOME/bin/ start

		The BBCOMBOID variable acts as a unique tag for a particular
		run of your script.  (Many scripts might be executing
		at the same time).

	2) Building a combo message

		Instead of calling $BBHOME/bin/bb to send each status
		message to a BBDISPLAY, you replace that call with
		a call:

		Basic method:

		$BB $BBDISP "status $MACHINE.cpu $COLOR `date`  DATA..."

		combo method:

		$BBHOME/bin/ add "status $MACHINE.cpu $COLOR `date` DATA..."

		This will build a combo message. When the message reaches
		the MAXLINE size then the message is sent to the BBDISPLAY(s)
		and starts a new message.

		Note that only "green" status are saved in a combo message.
		All non-green status are sent immediately.

	3) Ending combo message processing

		A partial combo message might be required to be sent
		to a BBDISPLAY(s) when your script is done.  At the end
		of your script, add this line:

		$BBHOME/bin/ end

		This will also remove temporary files that were used.

	If you need examples, take a look at the and
	scripts, they use the combo message.

6.19    Tools to manage Big Brother data

	bin/bbrm Removes data associated with a hostname or a service
		that is no longer monitored.
	bin/bbmv Renames data associated with a hostname or a service.
	bin/bbprune Archives historical data up to and including the
			month given as arguments.  This tool creates
			archive files in the bbvar/archive directory.

6.20    Sending a BB message in cron

	If you want to use bin/bb send a single message to a
	BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER in cron, remember that bin/bb requires the
	BB environment to be loaded before it is executed. This loads
	environment variables required by bin/bb to execute properly.

	Use a crontab line similar to the following entry:

	0 8-20 * * * BBHOME=/home/bb/bb;export BBHOME;. $BBHOME/etc/;$BBHOME/bin/bb $BBDISP "status test.test red `date` This is a test"
	BBHOME=/home/bb/bb;export BBHOME;. $BBHOME/etc/
		This sets the BB environement
	$BBHOME/bin/bb $BBDISP "status test.test red `date` This is a test"
		This sends the actual command. $BBDISP is the BBDISPLAY location.

6.21    Defining characters that BB accepts in a status message

	By default BB removes dubious characters from an incoming
	status log.  The `,$,;,|,&,\ characters are removed.  They
	are defined in the CLEANCHARS variable in
	Note that this is considered a security concern.

	If you use LARRD, you'll require to remove the '&' character

6.22    Integrating a LARRD graph with a status log

	LARRD is an extension that generates trending graphs based
	on the BB status data.  You can find it at .

        If you have installed LARRD along with your BB installation,
        you can have a status log associated LARRD graph displayed when
        you view the HTML generated page of a status log.

	This feature is not automatically available.  It must be
	defined in the RUNOPTS variable in etc/
	Add the NOTESMSG tag to RUNOPTS.  You must restart BB
	after the change.

	Also remove the '&' character from CLEANCHARS as LARRD
	requires it.


Section 7: 	Other documentation sources


© Copyright Quest Software, Inc. 1997-2003 All rights reserved.